"Going green"is getting a lot of attention these days. However, many air max 270 homme of us tend to assume that we're too small to make a difference. The reality is that every little contribution helps and it all adds up to something significant.
We only have one planet and its up to each one of us to be environmentally responsible. RVI has been a Green Solution long before the term even existed. And whats wrong with having a product that can improve your business and have a potential impact on the environment at the same time?

Moving from paper documents to digital can save you money and reduce your environmental footprint in three ways:
RVI reduces your consumption of paper, saving thousands of trees every year! Did you know that 30% of paper is consumed in the United States? Driving paper out of the core business process has the immediate impact of reducing the number of trees used.
Consider these general factoids:
- It takes 20 years to grow one pulp tree that is 50 feet tall with an 8" diameter.
- One tree equates to 8,333 sheets of paper (assuming 16.67 reams @ 500 sheets).
- Each ream of paper (500 sheets) consumes 6% of a single tree.
This does not factor in other supplies such as folders, transport boxes, pre-printed forms, ink/toner cartridges, binders, markers, copy costs and much more.
RVI reduces your document storage requirements which translates to space savings! Fewer paper documents means fewer file cabinets, less floor space for onsite records storage and less real estate required for offsite warehouses and retention services. Not only does this air max 270 homme reduce your environmental footprint, but it helps improve your energy effeciency by lowering the need for power, lighting, humidity control and consumption of other facilities necessary to operate every square foot of space that is occupied.
RVI eliminates transporting documents which reduces fuel and carbon emissions! RVI enables digitized documents to be accessed by anyone from anyplace at anytime. And the emergence of distributed scanners at reasonable prices makes it easy to eliminate paper at its point of origin. The need for courier services to move paper between locations is significantly reduced which directly correlates to savings in fuel consumption (barrels of oil) and its associated carbon emisssions.
According to a case study on the AIIM website "...one barrel of oil can produce nine gallons of diesel fuel. Each gallon of diesel fuel burned releases 22.2 pounds of carbon into the atmosphere. Even if you cannot account for exactly how much fuel is consumed in transporting documents, you can certainly understand how quickly these calculations will add up.
The cost of moving electronic information to workers is insignficant as compared to the cost of moving workers to centrally stored documents. Since access is now independant of air max 270 homme geography, worker travel time can also be reduced resulting in greater savings in fuel consumption and carbon emissions.
In addition to these very tangible financial and environmental benefits, Go Green initiatives generate good publicity and resonate with the local community. IBM is demonstrating this with it's current "Smarter Planet" theme and many companies are promoting their efforts on their websites.
Even if you are just a "small player" in your industry, it all adds up.
So whats the best way to get started? Theres no wrong way! Reducing your consumption of paper is a lot like going on a diet. The toughest part is just getting started. The sooner you do, the quicker you will start seeing benefits.
Real Vision Imaging (RVI) = good for your company, good for the planet!http://www.sneaker2018.fr/