Tag Archives: mobile app

New Features in RVI Mobile Resources

As a business owner in today’s scarpe basket jordan  market, more and more emphasis is being directed toward improved customer service, improved employee efficiency and faster AR processing. Without adding new employees, how can businesses minimize delivery time, automate the proof of delivery process and reduce the Accounts Receivable lag time?  Fixing these problems can be easily accomplished with the new RVI Apple Application.

GPS map locator button on the RVI Apple mobile signature capture application. Employees who make deliveries or service calls can get a list of customer’s addresses for their deliveries or calls from the RVI solution on an Apple iPad, iPhone or iTouch. The scarpe basket jordan user can press a LOCATE button on the screen that shows the customer address. The RVI application will immediately show them a GPS street map of the customer location. Now they know exactly where the customer is located and how to get there!
RVI Mobile Image Inquiry

Import and Index Pictures from the Camera using the device camera or camera roll. Line up your shot, press the Capture button, index the image, and upload it into an RVI image system. It's as simple as that! Pictures already in your device camera roll can also be indexed and uploaded.

Mobile Signature Capture on a document using the Apple devices.
As an example, when your personnel complete the delivery or service, the customer can sign the related documents on the Apple device. The scarpe basket jordan signature is captured and placed in the document and can be immediately emailed to the office and the customer.

RVI Mobile Proof of Delivery
RVI Mobile Signature Capture for the Legal Industry

RVI Workflow & Approval capabilities. RVI has enabled workflow routing and approval features to allow you access to your RVI workbasket on an Apple device. The remote approval feature allows you to approve or disapprove an invoice, claim, loan, order, etc. This ability allows you to work with your workbasket items anywhere, anytime!

All of these features are available in RVI Complete V8.0 and are FREE to our customers. This includes the free RVI application from the Apple App Store, downloaded directly to your employee’s Apple devices.http://www.scarpe2016jordan.it/

Interface Your Applications with an RVI Look

Most of your core jordan femme  business applications run on an IBM i server with a “green-screen” look. They are rock-solid and run very efficiently just like you expect them to perform. While your users are comfortable working in this environment, they politely refer to the green-screen look as their “legacy applications”.

Sure, you would like to pursue a document imaging solution, but your jordan femme users insist on a graphical look for any new applications you provide. You’ve considered a PC Windows solution but frankly the idea of bringing in a bunch of new servers and trying to integrate them with your current applications is a bit more than you care to take on right now. And you have given up trying to figure out how much this is going to cost your company!

Real Vision Imaging (RVI) has it covered for you! RVI was built for integration with your IBM i applications, provides flexible interface options and has easy-to-understand pricing. Simple is definitely better!

RVI is a document image and spool / file report capture solution that runs on the same IBM i server as your core business applications. RVI supports multiple interface options so your users can move easily from their application to the content they need to access with whatever look you choose to provide. That means you can present the RVI Sub-File with a “green-screen” look that the users are already familiar with or one of RVI’s “browser” options to deliver a more GUI look. RVI even has a mobile APP so users can access business content from their Apple or Droid devices.

So how much extra do these interface options cost? Nothing! With RVI, you have a native IBM i solution that offers comprehensive features with jordan femme flexible integration options and easy-to-understand pricing. With RVI’s model-based pricing you don’t pay extra for additional modules, users or scan stations like most other PC solutions you may have considered.

Want to spice-up your legacy applications? Give us a call and we can show you how!http://www.jordan5.fr

Using RVI Document Imaging to Solve Your Customer Service Issues


  • You can't find the jordan pas cher  folder you need because someone has removed it from the file cabinet.
  • You need to find paperwork for a customer that is on the phone and you want to eliminate call backs and voice mail.
  • You want to give your customers internet access to their account information.


Real Vision Imaging (RVI) gives you the ability to capture, store and organize your documents into a digital filing system that makes them quickly and easily accessible from your jordan pas cher business applications. With RVI, you can scan paper documents, import PC documents and files, and capture printed documents and reports.

The documents you need:

  • Are available for retrieval and viewing in the office or over the internet 24/7
  • Can be organized and "stapled" together for quick access
  • Can be attached to emails or faxed immediately to the requestor
  • Are available for viewing over the web using your mobile devices
  • Are available for direct customer access over the internet at no cost to you!

RVI Complete offers all of these features, and much more, as part of our document imaging software solution. are just a few of the advanced features included...they are not sold as add-on modules, and there are no additional licensing or user fees for these features.

The bottom line is that RVI can provide improved employee productivity and a higher level of customer service. Give us a call so we can review other ways that we can help you jordan pas cher improve your customer service operations.

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RVI Introduces Mobile Signature Capture

Can a Point-of Delivery signature be electronically captured and transmitted to your air max 270 pas cher  office and a bill generated and emailed (or faxed) to your customer before the driver leaves the parking lot?

RVI Mobile Signature Capture, developed exclusively for the iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch, can accomplish this task!

The receiver signs for the delivery on the mobile device, the signature is merged onto the delivery document and emailed (or faxed) to your air max 270 pas cher customer within seconds.

This new application is available free to RVI Complete customers on Version 8 or greater.

It only takes a few simple steps to complete the signature process.

  • User logs on to the System
  • User accesses a list of deliveries needing signatures
  • User selects document to be signed
  • Receiver signs pad, accepted signature is  merged with air max 270 pas cher delivery document and completed document is displayed
  • Delivery list is updated
  • Within seconds, the delivery document is emailed or faxed to the receiver!

For additional information about RVI Mobile Signature Capture, contact your RVI Certified Business Partner.http://www.kanyewestyeezy.fr

The RVI Cloud Solution is Coming Soon

The RVI Cloud Solution provides a stable and reliable operating environment for your air max 270 pas cher business data with reduced IT operating costs and rapid ROI with reduced monthly billing based on your company's data storage size.

  • Browser based
  • Unlimited users, no user fees
  • No scanning station license fees
  • Includes workflow, internet support and report capture
  • Supports signature capture using the iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch
  • Monthly fee includes support from RVI
  • Support for multiple imaging system applications...AR, AR, HR, Legal etc. at no additional charge
  • Priced according to data stored

All of your documents from all of your applications are available 24/7 from a secure server. Your data is safe, secure and available through the web application or via mobile device


For more information, call 318-445-4579 or email rvoffice@realvisionsoftware.com.


Helping You Find a Needle in a Haystack

We've been scanning documents for cheap trainers uk  years now but it is often a headache trying to locate the exact documents we are after.

We've taken advantage of technology price breaks and have purchased PC attached scanners. Multi-function Devices (MFDs) to replace our copiers or network attached scanners. That makes it very simple to digitize most of our documents.

While searching through electronic files is definitely much easier than digging through paper files, there must be a better way to get organized.

Can an imaging system help our situation?


Short answer - yes!

Long answer - capturing documents is really a two-step process. First you SCAN the documents, then you INDEX them. Scanners (and MFDs) solve half the cheap trainers uk equation, but an imaging system (like RVI) will also address step #2. Once your documents are BOTH scanned AND indexed, your search capabilities are greatly improved.

RVI offers three techniques to improve the "findability" of your documents:

  1. RVI enables you to set up as many as sixty-five imaging systems, (AP/AR, HR, etc.) each of which can have up to ninety-nine Key Index Fields (Vendor Number, Customer Number, Date, etc.) which can be used to search for individual documents.
  2. RVI supports Optical Character Recognition (OCR) which included the capability of full-text recognition. As documents are scanned, the optional OCR engine builds a keyword database allowing you to search on keywords within the cheap trainers uk document or across multiple documents.
  3. RVI can import the scanned TIFF images you have created using your PC attached scanner, MFD devices or network attached scanners, run them through the OCR engine and convert them to searchable PDFs. This gives you the ability to search for words within the single PDF document.

Finding that needle in a haystack just got a whole lot easier with RVI!http://www.stockxsale.co.uk

Your RVI Document Imaging Solution on Apple iPad & iPhone

Mobile document Management just got easier! The RVI Apple iPad and iPhone appliction is now available from the Apple Store, search for Real Vision!

With business, industry and government looking for yeezy replica  innovative ways to be more efficient and reduce operational costs, the Apple iPad is making a big hit!

With its compact size and high quality display, the Apple iPad and iPhone provide great mobile computing devices to retrieve and view documents whenever you need them. RVI, the most user friendly, feature-rich, affordable document imaging solution out there today, has developed an application for iPad and iPhone that allows instant access to your important information.


"A File Cabinet in Your Pocket" - Click here for a free whitepaper!

Great news! Support for the RVI Apple iPad and iPhone application is included with RVI Version 8 at no charge!

Five Easy Ways to Justify a Document Imaging System

My company is considering the RVI imaging solution. We know the air max 90 homme pas cher RVI solution brings efficiency, savings and improved customer service.

My manager has asked how can we justify it. Can you help me?

The first question you need to answer is... what is the $$$VALUE to getting information faster or the $$$PENALTY associated with delays.

The easiest approach to justification of the RVI document image solution is to look at the operational costs that can be reduced by implementing RVI. Here are some things to look at.

  1. How much does my paper cost? What paper costs can I save by:
    ? Reducing paper usage for printing,air max 90 homme pas cher copying and faxing
    ? Reducing the use of pre-printed forms
    ? Reducing the use of filing supplies – manila folders,
    flex folders, file cabinets, record storage boxes
  2. How much floor space can be reclaimed by eliminating many of my current file cabinets? What is the value of that floor space?
  3. Records center labor costs are a big savings. How much time and labor does it take to file a new document, retrieve an
    existing document and then re-file the same document? How much time is spent setting up new files each calendar year?
  4. Off-site storage costs related to the expense of the storing older documents and the costs for retrieval of documents from that storage space. What are the costs to purge and destroy the outdated documents? How much labor is involved each year to move documents to the off-site storage space?
  5. How many documents can I create and distribute to employees and customers as an electronic document? Every time I send an email with air max 90 homme pas cher a document attached, I save the costs of printing and mailing the document. If I can send reports, invoices, statements electronically via email how much Fedex, UPS and US postal costs can I save? How much labor can I save by not having to burst the reports and then manually distribute them?

In addition to these costs there are other benefits that can be used to justify the RVI solution. RVI can help you with the justification by answering your questions.

For additional information, read "7 Tips for Selecting a Document Imaging System"

Please give us a call and we will be happy to work with you.
For more information, please contact:

Dave Woodring

Len Knudsen
318-449-4579 x 120

Terry Brogan
318-449-4579 x118


With RVI Document Imaging - Less Paper Means More Green

"Going green"is getting a lot of attention these days. However, many air max 270 homme  of us tend to assume that we're too small to make a difference. The reality is that every little contribution helps and it all adds up to something significant.

We only have one planet and its up to each one of us to be environmentally responsible. RVI has been a Green Solution long before the term even existed. And whats wrong with having a product that can improve your business and have a potential impact on the environment at the same time?

Moving from paper documents to digital can save you money and reduce your environmental footprint in three ways:

RVI reduces your consumption of paper, saving thousands of trees every year! Did you know that 30% of paper is consumed in the United States? Driving paper out of the core business process has the immediate impact of reducing the number of trees used.

Consider these general factoids:

  • It takes 20 years to grow one pulp tree that is 50 feet tall with an 8" diameter.
  • One tree equates to 8,333 sheets of paper (assuming 16.67 reams @ 500 sheets).
  • Each ream of paper (500 sheets) consumes 6% of a single tree.

This does not factor in other supplies such as folders, transport boxes, pre-printed forms, ink/toner cartridges, binders, markers, copy costs and much more.

RVI reduces your document storage requirements which translates to space savings! Fewer paper documents means fewer file cabinets, less floor space for onsite records storage and less real estate required for offsite warehouses and retention services. Not only does this air max 270 homme reduce your environmental footprint, but it helps improve your energy effeciency by lowering the need for power, lighting, humidity control and consumption of other facilities necessary to operate every square foot of space that is occupied.

RVI eliminates transporting documents which reduces fuel and carbon emissions! RVI enables digitized documents to be accessed by anyone from anyplace at anytime. And the emergence of distributed scanners at reasonable prices makes it easy to eliminate paper at its point of origin. The need for courier services to move paper between locations is significantly reduced which directly correlates to savings in fuel consumption (barrels of oil) and its associated carbon emisssions.

According to a case study on the AIIM website "...one barrel of oil can produce nine gallons of diesel fuel. Each gallon of diesel fuel burned releases 22.2 pounds of carbon into the atmosphere. Even if you cannot account for exactly how much fuel is consumed in transporting documents, you can certainly understand how quickly these calculations will add up.

The cost of moving electronic information to workers is insignficant as compared to the cost of moving workers to centrally stored documents. Since access is now independant of air max 270 homme geography, worker travel time can also be reduced resulting in greater savings in fuel consumption and carbon emissions.

In addition to these very tangible financial and environmental benefits, Go Green initiatives generate good publicity and resonate with the local community. IBM is demonstrating this with it's current "Smarter Planet" theme and many companies are promoting their efforts on their websites.

Even if you are just a "small player" in your industry, it all adds up.

So whats the best way to get started? Theres no wrong way! Reducing your consumption of paper is a lot like going on a diet. The toughest part is just getting started. The sooner you do, the quicker you will start seeing benefits.

Real Vision Imaging (RVI) = good for your company, good for the planet!http://www.sneaker2018.fr/