A Better Way to Get Things Done!

Does it take way too long to get things done? Could your business processes use a “make-over” to improve your customer service levels? Are you overwhelmed with paper documents that are copied over and over and handed off from desk to desk for approvals? Maybe it is time for a change!

The RVI-i Express solution includes advanced workflow capabilities and is priced at just $12,000 with no workstation or user fees. Digitized documents can be automatically routed for approvals that are tracked and audited by supervisors. Priority codes, overdue notifications, call-back reminders, package tracking, reason codes and signature stamping are some of the many workflow features included.

Whether your work processes are for the A/P, H/R, Order Processing or some other department, RVI’s advanced workflow provides significant financial and productivity benefits that can help you:

  • Optimize your processes with fewer steps in less time.
  • Enforce standards & procedures.
  • Boost productivity by removing work obstacles.
  • Automate work distribution and assignments.
  • Track / Audit your Work-In-Process items / activities
  • Improve your responsiveness with faster turn-around times on requests.
  • Enhance security and control with better records management and preservation.

Why wait any longer. Give us a call and schedule a product demonstration to learn how RVI’s advanced workflow capabilities can help you solve your paper process problems and how easily imaging can be expanded to other departments!

RVI-i for better workflow capabilities!