Making Smart Phones and Tablets Work For You


Mobile computing is growing in importance as a must have for your Nike Air More Uptempo employees and customers. The use of the internet, smart phones and tablets are common ways to access business information.

Are your employees and customers able to get to their important documents and reports over the internet using their smart phones or tablets?

The Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM) completed a survey in 2011 that gives insight into the use of smart phones, tablets and the internet.

  • 64% of companies have no mobile access to their Nike Air More Uptempo documents or reports.
  • 77% have no dedicated internet browser access to their documents or reports.
  • 87% have no apps to access their documents or reports on a smart phone or tablet.


The RVI solutions provide mobile image access capabilities to access your business documents immediately from anywhere at any time. RVI has developed mobile apps for the Apple  iPhone, iPad, and iTouch. We also have mobile apps for Android and Windows phones. All of these mobile applications are “FREE” to our customers and are available immediately as downloads from the app stores. It is like taking your file cabinets with you as you visit customer sites.

In addition, RVI has partnered with Quadrant software to create the RVI Mobile Signature Capture native application that allows signature capture on an Apple iPad, iPhone or iTouch. Now you can have a customer sign your documents at their Nike Air More Uptempo locations and within seconds have the completed documents returned for internal processing and invoicing.

Every business can benefit from the availability of secured mobile image access and remote signature capabilities, for example:

  • Medical - patient information, lab reports, doctor notes, etc.
  • Transportation - shipping documents, purchase orders, invoices, etc.
  • Government - police reports, utility documents, court documents, clerk of court documents, code enforcement, etc.
  • Manufacturing / Distribution - hazardous material documents, assembly instructions, inspection forms, delivery documents, etc.
  • Banking - loan department, trust department, regulatory compliance, audits, customer information, statements, etc.

Mobile computing removes the final barriers to conducting business on the go and frees you from your desk. When you can bring all of your file cabinets with Nike Air More Uptempo you, wherever you go, you have instant access to all of your important documents, whenever you need them. Mobile computing plus document imaging is a recipe for changing the way you work. It’s not just a good idea waiting to happen—it’s ready to go!