Use RVI Document Imaging Solution for Your Accounts Receivable!

Your customer is calling to discuss the invoice you sent to them.
You need a "Proof of Delivery".
You want to get customer invoices processed and out the door.
Your company wants to increase cash flow and reduce receivable delays.
Real Vision Imaging (RVI) system gives you the ability to capture, store and organize your documents into a digital filing systemthat makes them quickly and easily accessible from your accounts receivable business applications.

  • Invoices are available for retrieval in your office or over the internet 24/7.
  • Immediate access to "proof of delivery" documents to fax or email to customers.
  • Electronic distribution of invoices and supporting documents will improve accounts receivable cash flow.
  • Reduced effort to find documents = better customer service!
  • The bottom line is... superior customer support and improved employee productivity!

RVI Complete offers all of these features, and much more, as part of our imaging software solution. Advanced workflow, GUI workflow designer, report distribution, internet support, etc. are not sold as expensive add-on modules and there are no additional licensing fees or user fees to enable these features.

Please give us a call so we can review other ways that RVI can help you improve your accounts receivable operations.