We've been scanning documents for cheap trainers uk years now but it is often a headache trying to locate the exact documents we are after.
We've taken advantage of technology price breaks and have purchased PC attached scanners. Multi-function Devices (MFDs) to replace our copiers or network attached scanners. That makes it very simple to digitize most of our documents.
While searching through electronic files is definitely much easier than digging through paper files, there must be a better way to get organized.
Can an imaging system help our situation?
Short answer - yes!
Long answer - capturing documents is really a two-step process. First you SCAN the documents, then you INDEX them. Scanners (and MFDs) solve half the cheap trainers uk equation, but an imaging system (like RVI) will also address step #2. Once your documents are BOTH scanned AND indexed, your search capabilities are greatly improved.
RVI offers three techniques to improve the "findability" of your documents:
- RVI enables you to set up as many as sixty-five imaging systems, (AP/AR, HR, etc.) each of which can have up to ninety-nine Key Index Fields (Vendor Number, Customer Number, Date, etc.) which can be used to search for individual documents.
- RVI supports Optical Character Recognition (OCR) which included the capability of full-text recognition. As documents are scanned, the optional OCR engine builds a keyword database allowing you to search on keywords within the cheap trainers uk document or across multiple documents.
- RVI can import the scanned TIFF images you have created using your PC attached scanner, MFD devices or network attached scanners, run them through the OCR engine and convert them to searchable PDFs. This gives you the ability to search for words within the single PDF document.
Finding that needle in a haystack just got a whole lot easier with RVI!